LSAT Tutoring
Trust our top tutors to help you make the big gains you need to get into your top choice school.

A good score on the LSAT can make or break a student’s chances of getting into Law School.
Trust our top tutors to help you make the big gains you need to get into your top choice school.
Our head LSAT Tutors Michael Pomeroy and Sean McCormick bring eight years of experience helping students improve on the LSAT. They both won scholarships to top fifteen law schools, too.
he LSAT. Use our proprietary, proven methodology to make big gains and get into your top choice law school.
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We help clients highlight the competitive advantages that will help them stand out from the crowd.
GRE / GMAT / LSAT Tutoring
Choose Your Package
Just getting started?
One time
6 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
2 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
College Planning Session(s)
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6+ Hours of Additional One on One
One time
12 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
2 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
College Planning Session(s)
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Please review our terms and conditions before purchasing. All sales are final.
Our Most Popular Package
one time
20 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
4 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
1 Complimentary College
Planning Session
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Please review our terms and conditions before purchasing. All sales are final.
Our Full Suite of College Planning
One time
40 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
5 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
2 Complimentary College
Planning Session
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Please review our terms and conditions before purchasing. All sales are final.
We Help Make Your
Educational Dreams
A Reality.
Austin Admissions Consulting and American Admissions were founded to make the college admissions and graduate school application process easy, affordable, and fruitful for students and parents.
I worked with Sean McCormick throughout the summer of 2016 in order to prepare for the GRE. When I first came to Austin Admissions Consulting, my scores were very low. After only a few weeks of tutoring, my score increased dramatically. I would absolutely recommend this company to anyone looking to improve their test scores.

Savannah Goudrea
University of Arkansas