GRE Tutoring & GMAT Tutoring
With many of our packages, we’re almost half the price of big name companies
offering GRE tutoring and GMAT tutoring in Austin.
GRE / GMAT / LSAT Tutoring
Choose Your Package
Just getting started?-
6 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
2 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
College Planning Session(s)
6+ Hours of Additional One on One-
12 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
2 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
College Planning Session(s)
Our Most Popular Package-
20 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
4 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
1 Complimentary College
Planning Session
Our Full Suite of College Planning-
40 Hours - One on One Tutoring Time
5 Full-Length Practice Test
Personalized Plan of Action
2 Complimentary College
Planning Session
Austin Admissions
Austin Admissions Consulting offers the most effective GRE Tutoring and GMAT Tutoring in Austin. All of our GRE tutors and GMAT tutors boast 96th percentile scores, and we pride ourselves in our friendly yet effective teaching style, based on innovative and proven GRE and GMAT score improvement strategies.
Our students improve more than the industry average, so it’s no surprise that hundreds of families in Texas continue to make Austin Admissions Consulting their first choice for excellent one on one GRE tutoring and GMAT tutoring. And with prices up to half those of Kaplan or Princeton Review, Austin Admissions Consulting is the obvious choice for GMAT test prep and GRE test prep in the Austin area.

Four Reasons our GRE Tutoring is the best in Austin
Austin Admissions Consulting offers the best GRE tutoring in Austin. Why, you may ask? We offer the most effective GRE tutoring in Austin for a variety of reasons:
Elite Track
Proven Strategies
Mobile &
Making it Convenient
Making it Cheaper
Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed
Making you Happy!
Satisfied parents say:
“I highly recommend American Admissions for anyone hoping to raise their ACT scores. Thy were recommended to my daughter and her score went up 4 points with their help. The new score enabled her to receive a non-resident merit scholarship.”
Judy Flowers
Sunnyvale, Texas
“Very pleased with American Admissions!
They helped my my daughter increase her ACT score from a 25 to a 29. The tutor was also very flexible with her busy schedule.”
Marie McKnight
Mesquite, Texas
“We enrolled our son Nick in private test prep tutoring with American Admissions. The tutor evaluated Nick’s strengths on taking the ACT versus the SAT. He was patient, challenging and encouraging. Nick scored in the 97th percentile, securing automatic admission into his first choice college. We would highly recommend American Admissions for test prep.”
Ellin Magnis
Austin, Texas
“My son recently completed the private tutoring ACT prep and did great on his test!!! As a result of his high score he received several academic scholarships on top of the athletic offers. It was exciting for him to have multiple options for college… His tutor, Leo Watts was outstanding and we recommend him to everyone we know. We already have plans for our youngest son to start the prep course next year. The private tutoring is an investment that definitely pays off.”
Carolyn Cantrell
Frisco, Texas
We Help Make Your
Educational Dreams
A Reality.
Austin Admissions Consulting and American Admissions were founded to make the college admissions and graduate school application process easy, affordable, and fruitful for students and parents.